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i dont like kissing

I don't like kissing. I hate how it sounds, and I hate how it feels.
I don't like kissing. I hate how it sounds, and I hate how it feels.
I don't like to kiss and/or be sexually touched. Can anyone relate? I don't like to kiss and/or be sexually touched. Can anyone relate? People keep doing those things all the time, and then they're talking about how amazing they feel. In addition, the Internet is full of these articles: "How to become a great kisser", "How to touch your wife to be in the mood" etc... All this doesn't make sense to me. From my perspective, kissing is rare and boring and leaves wet stains disturbing around my lips and chin. Besides, any kind of touching or tickling, it hurts or just feels irritating to me. I don't understand why others like to be caught (in sexual contexts), for example. I don't even like it if someone caresses my head. Hugging is usually an exception to this, however, it feels good to embrace someone I care about. I have been told that this is something that disappears with time and experience. Now I have experience of some relationships, and the intimate part is just as difficult for the 20I as it was a teenager. My partners have been very surprised and disappointed - How can someone not enjoy these things and wake up? So I've decided it's better for me to stay alone. Sometimes I feel bad about it, it's like I'm missing something great that everyone else seems to enjoy so much. I'm so sorry to hear about your bad experiences. Although that has definitely been a very important realization since you are now more aware of what is good for you and what is not. I hope other people respect their limits too. Besides, please don't be too hard on yourself! You just did what you really thought was right. Thanks also for this comment, it was open. I've also forced myself into intimate contact so many times and it hasn't been good for me. I've always thought it's just a rule and I have to go for it if I want to maintain a relationship. Fortunately I'm no longer in a relationship, that intimate part caused too many problems and sensory overload. That's better. Penelope Trunk wrote about this a while ago Thank you! I'll read this asap :D Thank you, a lot of food to think about there! It may also be in the spectre of gray sexuality :) This is also something I have thought about! I've never been completely sure if it's about Aspergers or asexuality. Maybe they're both affecting this at some level or just not like sex. I feel very little sexually, preferring to tolerate it for the good of others. The kiss is too close for comfort (although I still do). The biggest thing is to rub, though. It feels like hunting and hurts even if you're soft. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with this. Kissing's weird. It's true! It has never felt "natural" to me :DI I am the same one that I love hugs, but anything else that I really don't like much especially when someone tries to kiss me. Yes! I think the hugs are pleasant because the type pressure of "spreads" on the body and therefore the touch does not feel so hard (in contrast to specifically touching a part of the body, when all the pressure focuses on that particular area - it feels uncomfortable). In addition, hugs are warm, and you don't have to make eye contact:I'm not exactly sure how I could help...im no OP but I have aspergers (and some other things*) and wondering... how is the link (admittedly very humorous) intended to interpret? Is it a metaphor for something? Are you saying someone should do something? let me say... mechanic?*tourettes, ocd, adhd I had trouble kissing for long periods of time because I was afraid of not breathing. I think the more I took time with him, the better I felt kissing in a way. It can disappear with time and experience, or not. I hope you find a partner who will work with you on how to feel more comfortable, or better still help you accept that what you feel is fine and doesn't make you feel bad about it. I'm glad to hear you've figured out how to enjoy kissing! :) Yes, my previous partners didn't understand this, they usually ignored this quality of mine and then got angry if I didn't kiss them or play them regularly. If you would start dating again, you should be with a person who actually understands and accepts this kind of sensitivity. MembersOnline

Um, what about these people who hate to kiss? Did you know that about 50 percent of people prefer not to kiss? Did you know that about 50 percent of people prefer not to kiss? Hmm. How do I start this? Let's start with a woman who used to know who, because she was old enough to kiss, she absolutely hated him. Since I'm someone who's the opposite, I never came from where I came from, especially since, once she started having sex, she was about to do that. At first, I thought that this unicorn of the rainbow felt like this because perhaps her first experience was (according to her, she did not). My next thought—and forgive me for becoming dark for a moment—was, because we're both survivors of sexual abuse, maybe the childhood trauma related to PTSD had something to do with it. It's pretty. She said it wasn't that either. According to her, "he mocks me is not mine." But how could that be? For several years, I tilted it to be an intimate anomaly and (treated to) let it go. But while I was getting people out of porn and out of porn, while I was the director of the teenage mother for the local branch of a national non-profit organization and also since I became a , for my surprise-frontier-shock, I've met many people who are like the woman I just mentioned. Although it is the copulation and all the fun that comes along with it, and also while many of them are in quite functional relationships, if there is one thing they can do totally and without being able to do it, it is K-I-S-S-I-N-G. Really? In the effort to find out what this semi-subterranean movement is all about, I decided to do some research. I will share with you what I discovered (through some research and some "please leave my name out of it" interviews). But if you're someone who also hates to kiss, or you're in a relationship with someone who feels like that... I would like to hear your thoughts (in the comment section) about this, what I considered to be, really stratified and surprising phenomenon too. Besar is Dope... isn't he? From my observation, every time we sit down to remember our first kiss, it usually comes with two stories. There's the kiss you got when you were probably in primary school and nobody knew what the hell they were doing. Then there is, somewhere in the high school kiss, that has the potential to make or break your feelings (at least at that time). My first was this blond white boy who lined up all the girls in their first grade class along a fence and kissed us. Whatever. My second was the black man, who basically thought it was God's gift to women, who kissed me against a tree. It was horrible. Man, if you could imagine how a dish feels in the rinse cycle of a dishwasher, that kiss would nail you (it was also a complete ass later, but that's another story for another time). I could really have ruined kissing for me, but I think because I was always a curious person when it was almost all sexually related things, so I didn't give up. It's like when I think back to my personal choice for the first time (because again, I was sexually abused, so my first sexual experiences weren't my choice). It wasn't super bad or super big, but I kept it because, so I saw in the movies and heard from others, there had to be more sex than I had experienced. That doesn't mean that, if I choose to think very hard, I don't understand that it might be a little disgusting too. To begin with, our mouths are the most dirty parts of our body. Also, let's not act as if we were not literally "swapping spit" with another individual every time we do (ironicly, drool is one of the words that makes me drag the skin). And if you and your kissing partner are not synchronized, it's almost as if you prefer to clean a toilet to continue. But since, for me, good kisses far outweigh the bad ones, I've never come to the point where I'm not down to do it. I mean, getting to that kind of resolution is crazy... Right? According to what I've learned on the internet, actually... It's not. I read about kissing, for example. Instead, they chose the alternative known as the ocean kiss. Did you hear about that? It's when two people stand very close to each other's faces and breathe deeply without allowing their mouths to touch (I don't know if that's sexy or infuriating, to tell you the truth). Do any culture really enjoy kissing? Actually, yes. According to the study, Indonesia, Spain and South Africa kissed a lot, although PDA is largely unseen. Anyway, since 45 percent of Americans are good without kissing and I'm actually American, I decided to see what else I could know about how people feel about kissing on this side of the world. You can always count on a Reddit thread to provide some interesting ideas. In the thread "", I read a little about women who loved or hated kissing based on how they felt about their partner at that time, along with women who enjoyed contact with their lips but wanted to keep their tongues out of it and, women who, although they cannot put their finger on it, are aggravated by kisses. That made me want to ask some people even closer to home about their thoughts. It was intriguing to say the least. I've included your perspective on why they prefer not to kiss down. (Most of their names have been changed, mainly because some of their partners do not know what they decided to share with us.) 5 people share why they hate kissing Melissa. Married. 29. "Do you know how people talk about 'faking it' when it comes to orgasms? I don't know what it is, but as long as I would never do that, I fake it all the time with my husband when it comes to kissing. I like her lips a lot, but her tongue always feels uncomfortable. Like a lizard who's trying to tie me in and out of my mouth. Not that I'm a bad kisser... Well, I don't know because I never liked it. I always feel like it's a waste of time. Can we go on with that, please? Yeah, I never told her that, so you definitely don't use my real name. "Jackson, single. 35. "If you've ever been told that boys can have sex with a woman and never kiss her, they've told you the truth. I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out what's going on with it. I think it's because we can put a condom on our dick. When you kiss, you're out there... exposed. It's vulnerable and intimate and many of us don't want to be that with anyone. To me, kissing means I really like you. Sometimes sex is just a liberation. That's why I wouldn't really say "I hate to kiss" as much as I've had more sex without kissing than with him. If I want to lie down, I don't need to kiss. If I want to be around someone, I'll kiss her. Some may be triggered by that, but many boys feel exactly the same." Eric, single. 25. "Yes, I'm not a kissing fan. Especially because many women are assuming they can kiss. I like to kiss for a whole woman. I like to head. But the mouths always felt wet and weird to me. He really hasn't stopped anything that he wanted to happen so, I don't give him any idea."Taylor. Single. 27. "It's not necessarily that I think kissing is unpleasant. For me, it's all about chemistry. There are some people I enjoy kissing, but it's weird. It's only been two so far. I liked them the way their mouth felt with my mouth. It wasn't too aggressive. It wasn't too soft either. I don't know how to explain it. He felt... good. Besar upset [me] because... I have to go to the same pace and when I can't match you, I don't feel that. Besides, I don't see the kissing point and that's all. " Tanya. Divorced. 41. "I hate to kiss because, it's just nasty. Say what you want, but all that spit is disgusting. I don't know why people think it's okay to have a preference when it comes to sexual positions or erogenous areas, but if someone doesn't like to kiss, somehow, they're breaking some kind of cardinal sex rule. Believe it or not, yes, you can be very intimate with someone without his tongue being dragged down your throat. The ducks are fine. Languages are not. Many of my partners have felt the same. There's definitely more of us 'no-chisers' around what you might think, girl." Tanya's right. There are clearly many people who have active sexual lives that are well without kissing, thank you very much. And while the reasons certainly run the range, I will be the first to say that posture is common enough that it should no longer be seen or treated as "odd" or "foreign," including by me. At the end of the day, like everything related to sex and intimacy, kissing is a preference, not a requirement or a given. And a lot of people are fine with that. Complete stop, chile. Complete stop. You want more stories like this? Sign up for our newsletter to receive our latest articles and news directly to your inbox. Image featured by GiphyLike xoNecole on Facebook Shellie R. Warren is a dating lover, , graphic t-shirts, silver jewelry and Pumas. She is the author with two books published (from far) on matters of the heart. In fact, 2019 was the 15-year anniversary of its first release' ' (She is mulling seriously about the penance of a sequel of her) and 2020 marks her 20 years anniversary of being a (mostly) full-time writer. Apart from that, when Shellie is not saying all of her business, she is helping couples (marrigen life coach) or helping with nascent babies (doula). Its byline is all over cyberspace, but where you won't find it is on social media. Like anywhere. Not at all. If you need to hit her, she is (normally) accessible in Missnosipho in, however. HOWEVER, pitches for xoNecole need to go to editor@xonecole. Hit her for * strictly * things related to Shellie. Once again, throw article ideas to the site not HER. Very appreciated. Register today and be the first to be notified in new updates, exclusive events, withdrawals and gifts! "Every day I feel I get smarter and stronger and I have to do it because I have to take care of me, my son and my career." Every day I feel smarter and stronger and I have to do it because I have to take care of me, my son and my career."

I don't like Kisses by Ricki Mainzer
I don't like Kisses by Ricki Mainzer

I don't like kissing. I don't like hugging. I show my feelings through  handmade gifts. Each piece takes months or a year to make.
I don't like kissing. I don't like hugging. I show my feelings through handmade gifts. Each piece takes months or a year to make.

I don't like kissing. Am I the only one? All that slime and bad breath and  dry lips... I mean I've kissed 21 guys and a part from some rare exceptions  never
I don't like kissing. Am I the only one? All that slime and bad breath and dry lips... I mean I've kissed 21 guys and a part from some rare exceptions never

I just don't like kissing people I don't know. It's weird.
I just don't like kissing people I don't know. It's weird.

Am I the only one who doesn't like kissing? People think it's weird that I  don't like it. it's gross! Why would u want to exchange saliva with  someone? I AM an
Am I the only one who doesn't like kissing? People think it's weird that I don't like it. it's gross! Why would u want to exchange saliva with someone? I AM an

I don't like kissing, it makes me feel claustrophobic.
I don't like kissing, it makes me feel claustrophobic.

I Don't Like Kissing, Partner Hates Kissing - xoNecole: Women's Interest,  Love, Wellness, Beauty
I Don't Like Kissing, Partner Hates Kissing - xoNecole: Women's Interest, Love, Wellness, Beauty

Why Some People Don't Like Kissing During Sex
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I hate french kissing, I don't like the feeling of a tongue "exploring" my mouth

Signs your partner doesn't like kissing you, according to experts
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is it weird that I like kissing cuddling and everything but I don't like  sex at all?
is it weird that I like kissing cuddling and everything but I don't like sex at all?

I don't like tongue kissing, my boyfriend always waits to and I don't know
I don't like tongue kissing, my boyfriend always waits to and I don't know

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I DON'T LIKE KISSES MOM! - Getting a kiss from a 7 year old boy, IMPOSSIBLE! But we DID IT! - YouTube

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My Guy Doesn't Like to Kiss - Guy Advice
My Guy Doesn't Like to Kiss - Guy Advice

Christine Lakin quote: I don't like kissing on camera. It's bad enough to...
Christine Lakin quote: I don't like kissing on camera. It's bad enough to...

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Why did we kiss? | IslamicAnswers.com: Islamic Advice
Why did we kiss? | IslamicAnswers.com: Islamic Advice

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If Your Partner Doesn't Like Kissing, Experts Say You Can Do These 7 Instead

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When your babe said she love you, But won't kiss you cause she don't like kissing - Kermit The Frog Drinking Tea | Meme Generator

I don t like kissing.
I don t like kissing.

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Kissing Quotes - Page 4 | QuoteHD

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Why don't I enjoy kissing? I feel like I'm still forcing myself to like

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kissing you quotes Collection - Page 5 of 11 - 365 Quotes

7 subtle signs your partner doesn't like kissing you, according to experts  | Kiss you, Partners, Good kisser
7 subtle signs your partner doesn't like kissing you, according to experts | Kiss you, Partners, Good kisser

If you don't like kissing ya girl after she suck all on ya dick and swallow  ya cum ima just assume it's cus your dick dirty and you know it. - iFunny :)
If you don't like kissing ya girl after she suck all on ya dick and swallow ya cum ima just assume it's cus your dick dirty and you know it. - iFunny :)

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9 When You Leave Her House After 2 Hours of Just Kissing Greedybaby3 🤢🤢🤢 Who Tf Kisses for Two Hours? I Don't Even Like Kissing It's Gross I Really Have to Love

Why might one dislike kissing? - Quora
Why might one dislike kissing? - Quora

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Jeez, get a room why don't you – BARRIER BREAKING ENTERPRISES

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Kissing Quotes | Kissing Sayings | Kissing Picture Quotes - Page 10

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Science Reveals Why Some People Don't Like Hugs »

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